Dr. Gracemary Leung

Chartered Clinical Psychologist

Adjunct Professor The University of Hong Kong

Dr. Gracemary Leung currently works as Adjunct Professor in the The Social Sciences Research Centre in The University of Hong Kong. She is an Honorary Consultant for The Even Centre TWHG and the Lutheran Centre for the Rehabilitation Of Problem Gamblers. She was member for the International Panel  of Advisors, on Problem Gambling, for the Ministry of Singapore. She is a Clinical Consultant in Focus Psychological Enrichment Centre Co. Ltd.

A Chartered Clinical Psychologist for over 30 years in UK, Associate Fellow of British Psychological Society and Hong Kong Psychological Society; an expert in Mental Health, Personality Problems, Problem Gambling and addiction, Court Expert Witness; Stress and Anger Management, Emotional Fitness and Resilience Training. She has done a lot of training workshops for most of the Government departments in HK since her return in 2000.

Book, Publications and Papers